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Unread 11-23-2001, 03:31 PM   #1
John D.
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Default As an FYI - I just noticed that Tom h.

There was a thread recently where Tom H. mentioned he was going to update his available shooters in the Classifieds.. I just noticed that he posted it yesterday and you can find the direct link below...

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Unread 11-24-2001, 01:41 AM   #2
tom h
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Default Re: PO8 shooter update

John, Thanks for the link to the classified. Unfortunately, I can't do that with my "Mickey Mouse Machine". Regarding the tread above, I don't feel competent or justified to give an appraisal, even a ball-park one, without having visually inspected the gun. I'd hate to have anyone quote me on having said that their gun is worth $xxxx, when I haven't even seen it. This is what the Blue Book is for. You can quote that all you like, and it is know that the author's haven't seen your luger either. Tom h.

Unread 11-24-2001, 10:32 AM   #3
John D.
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Default Hi Tom..(Link and appraisals)...

My pleasure to help out with the Link... You do offer some great shooters at terrific prices..! For shooters, do you expect we will see many more "Imports", or are sources drying up in Russian & former EG to Import Dealers? The reason I'm asking is that I, too - believe that in the near future they will have a higher degree of "collectability", if you know what I mean?

Anyway - I also agree that it's impossible to accurately appraise Lugers without actually seeing them. This is also true as there are regional price differences that are often mentioned in this same Forum. My typical answer to folks that just purchased a Luger asking for a "firm price" is - that if they are pleased with the price they paid for it - then that is probably what the Luger is worth to them..

Best Always..!

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Unread 11-24-2001, 10:48 PM   #4
tom h
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Default Re: Hi Tom..(Link and appraisals)...

John, I haven't heard of any more lugers scheduled to be imported. The last lot of Russian reworks that I got, I had to purchase from another dealer who had bought a large quantity, as the importers/distributors were already sold out. But I alway am on the lookout, so I'll keep the forum advised. Tom h


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