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Unread 01-07-2002, 03:03 PM   #1
Posts: n/a

Marvin said:

I don't know what how severe your rust problem is, but I would recommend that you use some fine steel wool to rub the rust away. Put a little oil on the steel wool and rub until there is no more rust showing. According to how severe the rust is will determine if you must remove any bluing which is left in the area. Rust will continue to eat away at the steel until it is removed. Once it is removed, a light coating of gun oil or grease should solve the problem.

The Shadow Agrees.

Use only the finest of steel cotton (00000)and light clear sewing machine oil..or WD40 or Break Free.

It is a big job and takes time. Take one spot at a time. dip a small bit of the steel cotton into the oil..and work on getting the rust off. DO NOT SCRUB HEAVILY. the oil will turn dark or red as the rust comes off.

You can use a bit on the end of a Q-tip with the steel cotton wrapped onto it.

Use a 10X loupe to examine the will know when the active rust is looks like a black 'buildup' of some type under the glass.

I also use a small BRASS/COPPER nail...very sharp. Hold it with plyers and put oil into the deep pits and I work it down into the deep pits in a circular motion.. cleaning it out often with oil...keep sharpening it. The brass or copper is softer than steel and won't scratch.

Again...a labour intensive project.

Once clean of rust...just keep light oil on it and store it properly.

Look under the grips soon....that is where they really 'go to hell' in a hurry.

Never Never use any chemicals to remove the rust...they will usually remove all blue!

This procedure is reported to also work on the dip blued guns for removal of the second coating of blue.

The Shadow Knows


Unread 01-07-2002, 10:37 PM   #2
Marvin C.
Posts: n/a


Great information, I appreciate the additional information on the rust removal as it should help anyone who may have this problem.

I have never tried to remove the dip blue with this method, but it sure sounds like it will work. Just be careful if you try it and don't go through the original blue.

Marvin C.


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