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Unread 11-04-2006, 04:26 AM   #1
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Default Whats it worth?

I will describe markings. Also, the only wear I can see is the bluing has worn off slightly in a couple of places. Like maybe from taking it in and out of holster. It's a beautiful gun. The holster is black leather, with a place for a spare clip. The spare clip has the #'s 0823. None of the knurling on the grip is worn, nor is the knurling on the other parts worn. The trigger and a couple of other parts are a kind of brassy color.

top="1940" top of the chamber, "Mauser" middle top, "96" to rear of

L-side= "stamp with "N" below" left of chamber, "6596" below stamp, the
# "96" in four other places on left side, including the safety mech.
that slides up. "Gesichert" at safety lever.

R-side=just right of chamber, looks like an eagle on top of a round
circle, inside circle has either a "+" or a swastika. Just to right of
circle a small "L".

Front, just below barrel="6596" below that looks like a cursive "w" or

bottom rear of barrel has "6596"

Rear= "96" just below notched rear sight.

Bottom of clip= "6596", below that another cursive "w" or "u"

Pin that rear sight pivots on has a "96" on it.

Inside wooden grips (looks like oak maybe) is the # "96"

Along with gun is a "Certificate" that says "I certify that I have
personally examined the items of captured enemy equipment in the
possession of "Name" and that the bearer is officially authorized by
the Theater Commander, under the provisions of Sec. VI, Cir 155, WD, 28
May 1945, to retain as his personal property the articles listed in Par
3 below.
I further certify that if such items are to be mailed to the US, thay
do not include any items prohibited by Sec VI, cir 155, WD, 28 May
The Items referred to are: 1. (in hand printing) Pistol-Name:Lugger
There are other items listed.

There is a large round ink seal with the words "HEADQUARTERS UNITED

The certificate is signed where it says "signature"
There is another line that says (Rank, Branch, Organization) on the
line it has 1st Lt, Tr B, 88th Cav.Ren Sq.,Mez.

Below all this in parenthesis (This certificate will be prepared in

on bottom left of Certificate=AG USFET Form N* 33
on bottom right of Cert.=lef 8-46 5.000.000 78.920

p.s My father brought this back from the war. Also it is not a typo the
(1941) or the (1940).
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