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Unread 11-21-2001, 10:56 AM   #1
S. Allen
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Default Off topic (maybe) anyone here shoot a Makarov?

I know this may be a bit off topic, but since this pistol esentially replaced the P-38 and P-08 for the East Germans, maybe its not too "off topic."

Recently, I bought two surplus Makarova pistols: a 1960 East German model and a Bulgarian military model. Supposedly, the EG model was made in the old Walther factory. Both are in like-new condition and I got both from a despirate seller at a show for 300 dollars. (this was one of those "what the heck" buys)

Well, last weekend, I finally got arond to shooting these strange little PP/PPK-like pitsols. I impressed! Both of these pistols shot groups in the 2 inch range from 15yds. I used CorBon hollow points and Sellier/Belliot fmj ammo. I had no malfunctions or stoppages with either pistol.

I have to say, for 150 bucks apiece - this was money well spent! These were fantastic shooters and after stripping them down and cleaning them up, I think these are very well made for "inferior communist products." With the CorBons, it might make a decent concealed carry

Anybody else out there own one of these Makarov pistols? Did you have the same shooting experience? I am impressed! How have I missed out on these for so long? I dunno!

I know it does not hold the prestiege of the Pistole P-08, but I'd be lying if I said the Makarovs I bought were poorly made, inaccurate or unreliable.

Nice surprise! (thought I'd share)


Unread 11-21-2001, 11:22 AM   #2
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Default I don't own one (yet) but there is a website for them...


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Unread 11-21-2001, 04:20 PM   #4
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Default I own an East German

I love it. Groups very well. Well-made and simple. If the Bulgarians were C&R, I'd have one of those also. I'd recommend Maks to anyone who enjoys shooting pistols.

Unread 11-21-2001, 06:45 PM   #5
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Default Re: I own a Russian ss

I own a Russian Makarov that is stainless steel, manufactured by IMEZ. It came with very nice wrap around rubber like grips. It has an adjustable sights, that never needed to be fine tuned. It is as accrate out of the box as any good quality gun. Mine also came with a Russian holster [dated] and correct tools.It is a real nice .380, that is a just bit heavy. I carry it in a Mossberg car gun safe in my trunk. Not a bad deal when I bought it in 1993, NIB for $120.00. My son bought a similar one, but it is blued.

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Unread 11-21-2001, 10:47 PM   #6
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Default CZ 52

Don't own a Makarov, but I just acquired a CZ52 last Sunday.

Very impressive! Shoots 7.62x25, just a shade larger than old .30 Mauser.

Uses the MG42/MP5 roller lock system, and with hot Czech ammo, has awesome ballistics. Big flame, high velocity, tons of fun!

Shot it on Monday, and like my old CZ27, function was flawless, and accuracy dead on. Strips easily, reassembly a piece of cake too. Really well designed, I like guns that are overbuilt.

For $165, this is one heck of a pistol!I usually hate commie guns, but this one rocks!

Here's a link that tells more:

Unread 11-22-2001, 01:15 AM   #7
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Default Re: CZ 52

I am surprised a woman likes the CZ 52. It really needs to come with wheels and a lanyard. Much too powerfull for pleasant shooting for my taste. The Makarov in 9x18 is too. Small pistol that hurts the hand and I have never gotten thru a whole box of ammo before I quit. Accurate as all get out tho...Maybe I am a candy ass when it comes to unpleasant guns like that but shooting a luger is so much more fun. I would carry a Makarov for self defense as I would not notice the vicious kick in battle. The popular PA 63 is along the same lines..$79.00 here. Jerry

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Unread 11-22-2001, 02:35 AM   #8
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Default Re: CZ 52

I found the CZ, in spite of all the "wooo, scary!" reports about recoil, only bumped about as bad as my .357 Mag with hot loads. The shape of the trigger kinda hurt my fingertip a bit, so I am going to slide a small bit of rubber tubing over it, kinda like the M11-9's had. I carry a subcompact Glock 10mm, and my bed gun is a S&W Model 29 .44 Mag, so, you can see, I am not afraid of recoil. The CZ is nowhere near the hand cannon that the .44 Mag is, and I love shooting *that* beastie! I have small hands, so I usually shoot pistols 2 handed anyway. The only gun that actually hurts me every time I shoot it, is my Kar98 Mauser.....bruises everytime, regardless of padding on my jacket. But I just limit myself to 50 rounds, and consider it "service stripes". I guess I am kind of a recoil junkie

Unread 11-22-2001, 11:01 AM   #9
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Default Re: CZ 52

Hi Hannah,

The CZ 52 is a nice pistol (I think I have five at the moment)

But, alas, most of what one reads about it is a combination of advertising hype and wishful thinking. The CZ 52 is not an especially strong pistol, and is in fact rather delicate. Almost all of the CZ 52â??s have been overhauled at least once (and some had to be overhauled a number of times) due to excessive wear during peacetime service. A part of this overhaul was staking the pins in place to prevent the pistol from literally falling apart.

The â??hot Czech M48 7,62x25â? ammunition appears to be entirely mythical - there is no Czech M48 7,62x25 ammunition. This whole issue seems to be due to confusion over the cartridge for which the CZ 52 was originally intended and the cartridge it was actually produced to use. Initially the Czechs designed the prototype CZ 52 to fire the 9 mm Luger (9x19) cartridge, and they termed this cartridge the â??M48â?. The Soviet intervened and required the Czech service pistol to be chambered for the Soviet 7.62x25 Tokarev cartridge.

The large muzzle flash is due to the way Soviet Block 7,62x25 ammunition is loaded. This ammunition is primarily intended to be used in sub-machineguns and has a relatively large charge of slow burning propellant. The five inch barrel of the CZ 52 is too short for all this propellant to burn in the barrel, and the large muzzle flash is due to propellant burning in the air after it has been ejected from the muzzle.

The CZ 52 is a nice pistol, and a hoot to shoot - but folks make it out to be something it is not :-(

Best regards,


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Unread 11-22-2001, 02:12 PM   #10
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Default Re: CZ 52

Very interesting article.

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Unread 11-22-2001, 05:59 PM   #11
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Default Some of the worst recoil........... :)

can be obtained by shooting some of the larger caliber winchesters like the model 1886 45-90 or 45-70....another bend your nose over type rifle, is the 1873 springfield trap door rifle or carbine, also in 45-70......they kill on one end, cripple on the other! Never made it thru an afternoon of shooting with either of those beauties with out tears, or blood,....or both!! enjoy!! till...later...G.T.

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Unread 11-22-2001, 06:35 PM   #12
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Default Re: Small Field pieces-haha

Me too Hanna, the first time I fired my 340 wby, I fired it 34 times in one sitting from the bench. No special recoil pad, shock absorber or brake. This gun generates almost 5000 ft-#s of energy, a 210 gr bullet at over 3200 fps really is something to see bring down a big OYRX or Elk with authority! The next day I had muscles along the back of my spine that hurt from the torsion of the upper body. Of course the impact area of the upper arm was cherry red (next day purple brown). But in the field and only firing one round it is not bad at all. I must agree with GT, my bud has a 45-70 Marlin lever action saddle gun that he loads like a grizzly rife with 400 gr bullets. I have fired it several times and that sucker aint fun to shoot at all. My buddy had a Thompson Contender that blooded his hand and he asked me if I wanted to shoot it! "Hell no, I dont flinch and I dont want a flinch." Next round he fired broke the grips! A day of firing 3 boxes of shells during a dove hunt (okay so I miss a lot with a shotgun) can do wonders for your arms too. I love all guns!! Thor

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Unread 11-22-2001, 06:57 PM   #13
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Default Re: Small Field pieces-haha

We used to go to the range and shoot our M-16's Grenade Launcher, essentially it shot and felt like a big 12 gauge, you could see the shell fly through the air...... and wham hit the target.

It was fun, would leave a nice bruise on your arm.

I have a Trapdoor Springfield, but I loaded it light with 400 grain and smokeless, but fired it light and it gives you a heck of a push.


Unread 11-22-2001, 08:30 PM   #14
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Default Re: Trapdoor Fun

A little off the subject but a Trapdoor Springfield makes a great 410 shotgun. Fun to shoot with no alterations.

Unread 11-22-2001, 10:15 PM   #15
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Default Re: Trapdoor Fun

Haven't done that (luger), that would be really cool. (luger) So I enjoyed shooting the Trapdoor, it is lots of fun (luger).

Does that keep me from being off subject if I mention a certain gun?



Unread 11-23-2001, 06:59 AM   #16
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Default Re: CZ 52


I have one of the CZ-52 and I agree that much of the info about them is hype. They are a great little pistol to shoot. I love the muzzle blast myself!

The unique part of the CZ-62 is the roller locking mechanism. I seem to rmember that this mechanism was "copied" from one of the WWII German machineguns. The later H&K G-3 has this locking mechanism and it is neat.


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Unread 11-23-2001, 01:25 PM   #17
S. Allen
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Default CZ-52...Mak...harsh? Huh...

Wow, now I've heard it all.

I guess I am too used to my old 45 Colt revolver, 357 mags, Thomspon Contender in 35 Rem. and dad's Mod.29 Smith 44.

I don't find ANYTHING in 9x19 or smaller to be harsh at all. I have looked at ads for compensators for 92 Berettas and other 9x19mm pistols and just laughed....what for? Jeez, I could run cases through my Hi-Power and Glock and not be bothered by them at all. Ditto for the Makarov. Yeah, the grip is not as comfortable as a P-08, Glock 17 or Hi-Power, but you can buy 3-5 Maks to one of those mentioned. For the money..I was impressed with the neat little Makarov.

When I think of commie pistols, I think of the crude Nagant revolvers and the T-33....the Maks are quite a step up in fit and finish from these pistols.

The worst part of the CZ-52 is the noise...not the recoil. Yeah, it ain't no 32 Walther, but its not any worse that your average 40 or 45 auto.

The 10" Thompson Contender in 35 Rem. is something I don't want to shoot all day, though! (you ain't seen a muzzle fireball until you've seen this baby in action)



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