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Unread 03-21-2002, 01:33 PM   #1
Orv Reichert
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Default From the P38Forum....Orv

There is a world of difference in how P38 reworking was done in the former USSR and in the former DDR!


East Germans were a class act! They matched up parts even when replacing...they even used all HP parts on an HP. Early parts on early guns..etc.

They took them apart, left the bright parts bright...etc. They even seemed to keep the right numbered grips on the guns.

The guns were stripped and given a very dark nice blue...a nice job!


The Ruskies, however, took them apart into the basic 3 parts and dipped them right over the blue. any old grips were replaced on them. The rust spots were either ground off or blued over.

Today, we seem to be getting guns from both sources intermixed. I can only presume they are coming from Germany, now? A few years ago, they were all from the Ukraine. There is no way some of the new imports came via the Ukraine as they are VOPO marked...some are CZ46 guns, etc.

Now....I have no documentation on is based entirely on descriptions of the guns as they are now being described plus info from Gemany.

Orv Reichert

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Unread 03-21-2002, 01:54 PM   #2
Bob in AZ
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Default Re: From the P38Forum....Orv

Say Orv,

Sounds like you may have found the answer to my P-38. Remember the byf44 that we (I) couldn't quite agree on being a Russian dipped job. Yes this gun has been nicely re-done. Many small parts ARE still in the "white" like they should be. The blue finish is dark almost black, shines, very nicely applied. And no it wont rub off.

Thanks for the up-date.


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