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Unread 04-02-2001, 12:41 AM   #1
Milt Keller
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Default The Shooting Party Vol.2

We had a glorious time this morning. The weather was fantastic, the desert flowers were in bloom, and we were the only ones out there!

The firing line was set up about 9:30 and firing began about 9:40 with strict safety precautions in check. There were Stoeger Lugers, WW1 Lugers, a WW1 Webley, a S&W 38 special, shotguns, Glocks, and many other makes and models. We have a really neat group of guys, and gals. We had the wife of one of the regulars, and my daughter Jeanette, age 24. This girl fired for the first time about 3 weeks ago and showed us all up! She took that 38 S&W and made fools out of all the rest of us old "warriors" Boy, were our faces red!

After we've gone through all the ammo, or after all of us are just plain tired and hot, we police the brass and retire to the mess area for the "eats" and the wine. One of the group brings the deli sandwiches, a variety from tuna to roast beef. We have beer, wine, and coke etc.

Lavatory facilities consist, depending on the presence of women, the right front tire of the Ford Ranger owned by one of the crew, a retired Marine Col. If women attend, it is then behind one of the huge piles of sand. I still get a great amount of fun, kicking his tire, women or not!

At this time of the year though, it is starting to get a bit warm there. In a few weeks, it will get so hot we put it off till the weather gets cooler.

Milt Keller

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