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Unread 11-13-2001, 05:25 PM   #1
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Default Ammo she likes

Well, I am conducting an unscientific experiment. Bought 3 boxes of ammo (cheapest plinking ammo) and I am trying them out with 4 different Luger magazines in my new 6 incher.

(all 115 grain)

With Blazer she chokes up half the time, although they appear to be the hottest.

With UMC Remington she feeds the best, one stoppage and that was with a magazine I don't trust in this gun. Literally comes out.

Winchester, feeds almost as reliably as the UMC, but it is obvious why I usually buy Winchester.

I want to try some Winchester Silvertips, I used to use them exclusively, just love em, they cost a bit more for plinking tho!

The magazine that came with it, works the best!


Unread 11-13-2001, 06:27 PM   #2
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Silver tips feed better than most HPs and they are just about the softest HP in 9mm around. They really pop on a gallon milk jug full of water. I once fired one into one of these jugs at 100yds and recovered the bullet from a sand bank behind it, perfect mushroom even at that range. They tend to be very accurate.....and a bit pricey! My favorite all around load but I dont shoot it for zeroing, too expensive! Thor

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Unread 11-14-2001, 04:17 AM   #3
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The ammo most recommended here is Lapua, 124 grs. FMJ, 320 m/sec. (1050 fps). That really works.

I am aware that Lapua ammo is both hard to get and quite expensive in the U.S.

Here it sells at approx. $ 260/1000.

My current reload is 124 grs. FMJ, 4.3 grs Vihtavuori N320,

WIN SP, need to check for the OAL (think, it's 30,0 mm).

Midsouth do carry Lapua ammo and Vihtavuori powders.


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