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Unread 03-29-2002, 01:58 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default ID Frame Only??

I'm curious to know if it is possible to identify the origin of a Luger frame.

I've been examining the frame of my new Frankenartillery, and have noted that the quality of the machining of the metal surface itself is extraordinarily good. The metal surface of the area behind the toggle cam on both sides (under the safety lever) has a very fine matte finish, no machining marks whatever. The interior surfaces, although not finished, are carefully and smoothly machined. The reason for my curiosity is, at some point I will be able to track down a frame with a stock lug for the Artillery barrrel (for the shoulder stock in my future), and I would then like to find a matching barrel and toggle set for this frame (not numbers, certainly, but manufactured at the same time, in the same plant, with the same finish quality).

The frame has no stock lug, of course, but is numbered military-style--that is, on visible surfaces, rather than on edges. The serial number is 3331 with a script d (at least, I think it is a d). There are various stamps--inspectors marks?--on the interior surfaces. There is also an upper-case, serif letter K stamped at the bottom-front of the frame where it recurves to become the trigger guard. This looks to be more than just an inspector's mark, it is very carefully stamped and centered on its part of the frame. There are no proof marks.

Is this quest possible, let alone reasonable? Would knowing any of the other marks be useful? Or have I, in my crazed Luger fanatacism, stepped over the edge into cloud-cukoo-land?



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