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Unread 04-24-2002, 11:09 AM   #1
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Hi to all the forum members! Websters dictionary: Ethics... #3, "The branch of philosphy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of actions and the goodness and badness of motives and ends." Quite a statement... We hear the words ethics and ethical, quite a bit in our life. Especially as we get older. The experience and wisdom gained along the way, should make

us better able to judge a given situation... sometimes! Everyone has their own mirror, and each see's a different image in it! Here's what I have found, (my view) on ethics and ethical behavior... I call them the three C's of ethics... The first and most important one is "Ethics of Choice" This type of person is never loud and seldom speaks on issues, but when he does, it is done with tact and grace, never attacking anyone, just simply stating his point to show where he stands. He most often stands alone, not that others don't support him or share his views... it is just that he really needs no support, as he is comfortable and solid in his view on the issue at hand... He lets others make up their own minds, learn through their own experiences, and shares with them as an equal friend, not from some self professed elevated position... regardless of how much or how little he has... People that have ethics of choice, are unique among the majority, but not rare, I have met many thru my 48 year young life... and they are my friends... (Clear image in a clean mirror!) The second C is "Ethics of chance" This has more to do with the formation of ethics, but is most important when one looks at how another may have come to the position they currently support! Ethics of chance are the type that are formed by who raised us, where we were raised, the teachers we had, the coaches we had, the crowd we ran with, and the experiences we had when we growing up! If we were lucky, we learn from the good and bad alike... This is the time of our life when we learn to stand alone, or learn to hide in the crowd! This becomes important later, as you will see... The third C is "Ethics of Convenience" This is the dark side of ethics. These are the people that hurt you, THEY ARE ALWAYS GREEDY! It's not about how they make a buck, It's about how and what they do to protect it! They make their own rules, abuse the power they have attained (or in many cases, been given), set up their own standards of right and wrong, and rewrite the history of the event to suit their needs, and clear their conscience, what little they have...What makes this twice as bad, is they have to get close to you to do this... (ugly image in a broken mirror!) In Short, people with "Ethics of Convenience" take advantage of people with "Ethics of Choice" and use people with "Ethics of Chance" to support their claim... Another name for this is, "When the posse rides, someone is going to get hung! Right or Wrong!" As my name has been mentioned in a previous thread, I felt that a short note on how I see thing was in order... Those that know me, understand the above statements, for those that don't know me, as stated above, you will have to make your own choice as to how you view the issue! Best of luck to all! till....later...G.T.

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