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Unread 11-22-2017, 11:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Default Valuation DWM Luger


So I've been buying some guns on estate and I'd like to get an idea of what this gun is worth. The family wanted 1 grand on the gun and wouldn't budge. I rushed bought the gun, thinking I probably overpaid, but it did have a nice collector box, which I imagine was from the time it was imported into the US (given the "germany" mark). And the 50 round ammunition included with it is sealed (perhaps sealed later, not sure if they had plastics back then). Anyways, any more info on the gun and hopefully value at least equal to what I paid is appreciated!

Does the lower serial number (826) have any significance? Numbers on various parts of the gun all matching, as far as I can tell.

There appears to be rust starting on the side of the pistol, any recommended treatments or ways to mitigate this? The picture of the left side of the gun shows the rust spot. On the cover plate.

Why does certain parts of the gun appear to have a goldish hue? Is that tarnish? The right side of the gun mag ejector spot and part of the trigger. a lot lighter in color than in the picture. I posted this up on a different forum earlier trying to get a valuation, and someone mentioned it's something called straw due to the way the metal part was hardened.

Front and back of the grip shows wear, I think the picture adequately depicts it. The guy I bought the gun was a shooter, and he shot all his guns, even the collectible ones. I think the gun may have started off brand new or close to it in the collector box, but the wear on the grip and other areas are from the gun being used.

Is there any easy way to tell for certainty what caliber the gun is? It's not marked on the weapon itself as far as I can tell.

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