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Unread 06-24-2007, 02:41 PM   #21
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I hear you on the prove it part but such things are difficult to impossible to prove and one must go by informed opinion?
Every 98b has a "S" in one form or another, even in the blanko receiver form, though one could interpret things differently as many are apparent "salvage" jobs, and their are still more unknowns about the S28's than knowns?
I agree that the circle S jobs don't follow other products exactly however there are similarities in respects to use of their "mountains with "S" trademark and some logos found on some of the .22 jobs- image attached- are very similar... essentially I wouldn't exclude the possibility personally.
I will say I prefer the line of thought it being Simson Suhl than Suhl, S&S or Hugo Schmeisser... of course just my opinion until more information is provided.

Originally posted by Edward Tinker
Interesting. Yes, Dwight (and me and Don) have been interested in the Circle S, I do not believe it is for Simson.

The "S" that you see on a few luger magazines and on the toggles is more unusual than usual.

How often have you seen it on rifles and the like? To any collectors, if it is an "S", it must be Simson, but it could also be Suhl, Schmeisser, Saur, etc., although likely and thought of by collectors is for Simson, as it is seen on Simson ad's and triangle S.

In my fact finding, I try to use the geneology standard, prove it to me from at least two unrelated facts to prove anything

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Unread 06-24-2007, 02:46 PM   #22
Edward Tinker
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I agree with you fascinating subject at least for you and me
Edward Tinker
Co-Author of Police Lugers - Co-Author of Simson Lugers
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Unread 06-24-2007, 03:07 PM   #23
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Another thought came to mind, - little doubt in my mind that as it relates to the rifles the "S" represents Simson, its almost always applied next to the acceptance attributed to them or their area, they and the depots were the only authorized rework facilities to 1932, S&S much like their counter parts VCS & CGH were "collaborators in productionâ? not so much true mfg's of the Modell98 lines, Simson Suhl alone was a all in one stop mfg and (imo) one of the reasons they were selected for the postwar contract? (that and the other Suhl firms didnâ??t do as good work as noted by Dr.Storz, much like all the â??subcontractor dependantâ? mfg, they had problems getting their obligations done properly..)
Unlike any of the others in Suhl (that I am aware of) Simson was the most efficient, most resourceful in completing contracts during the war, - the outsider amongst all the others that "could" do the work.
They were not owned by DWM/Loewe like Mauser & Oberspree, they were more independent rather than the other Suhl firms who "apparently" excluded Simson where ever possible? They were more versatile than other firms in that they were involved in many projects (bayonets early on, swords, rifles- subcontractor to Mauser before actual production even, - the made artillery shells/fuzes, MG subcontractor, etc.. and there was more)
Further as is known companies that didn't fulfill contracts were not given contracts during the war, that Simson fulfilled their contract and still continued beyond that says a lot?

Of all the firms that could do the work post war I don't know of another as versatile and as well run not connected with the evil DWM? Or with the Givernment?
Even when the well dressed nazi's came to power, S&S was only an barrel mfg & assembler of the Modell98 w/ some small bits.. they were a relatively small firm too I hear, and slow to join the nazi's (I believe I read 1937 the brothers joined? Couldn't have been good for business?)

No imo, the only firm capable or even suitable in the 1923-1932 era likely to have been involved with reworking the Modell98's, conversions, upgrades or modifications in the Suhl area would be Simson utilizing the acceptance they are known to have used.

Originally posted by Edward Tinker

How often have you seen it on rifles and the like? To any collectors, if it is an "S", it must be Simson, but it could also be Suhl, Schmeisser, Saur, etc., although likely and thought of by collectors is for Simson, as it is seen on Simson ad's and triangle S.

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Unread 06-24-2007, 03:15 PM   #24
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I agree!

Were probably the only ones interested and nothing I like more than to go on and on about Simson Suhl- at least as much as one can? Hardly a subject one can study easily!

Take care Ed!

Originally posted by Edward Tinker
I agree with you fascinating subject at least for you and me
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