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Unread 04-25-2011, 11:25 AM   #21
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In response to Jan Still's post above, I do NOT know who Borzellot (Ty) is and agree that his exclusive negative view is counterproductive to our Forum. I was just recalling Ralph Shattuck (may he rest in peace) telling me he excluded himself from the Forum because he didn't want to spend all his time justifying things he was giving to customers with his iron clad three day inspection. Why people such as John Walter, Charles Kenyon, etc. do not participate may mean nothing more than lack of time, other interests, or the like.
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Unread 04-25-2011, 12:25 PM   #22
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"he excluded himself from the Forum because he didn't want to spend all his time justifying things he was giving to customers with his iron clad three day inspection"

I'm not sure I understand this statement. Can you clarify?
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Unread 04-25-2011, 12:26 PM   #23
Edward Tinker
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Folks who don't participate on forums always have their 'reasons'. But you seemed to agree with Ty, thus the comments getting off subject.
Ty, completely understood. I guess one of the problems is that the pseudo-experts think they can tell all from a photograph. Also, if they have never seen one, then it cannot exist and must be faked!
I agree with you that many folks assume too much from photographs, but I have to also say that if a questionable item, then yes, it will be discussed. But your point is well taken that we as forum members should be careful in assuming too much from photos. I have seen 'shadows' of another serial number in pictures, yet another angle none and in person, none. So, as a member, remember that pictures can be deceiving as well as revealing.

It is a fine line, folks who offer their items up for review are taking a chance, thus many, many members are too timid (maybe not the right word) to show their collection pieces. There are also members who will make plenty of comments and yet, I can only count on one hand the times they have shown something they actually own. Not that I keep track mind you, but it is an obvious and interesting observation.

in the same vein, it is interesting how the newer luger books have come out, and some of those same authors don't use what I consider the correct terminology, because the authors DON'T visit the forums and we do (i.e. Jan Still's 29 DWM etc)

it doesn't make them wrong, it just makes it harder to make collecting make sense...

Edward Tinker
Co-Author of Police Lugers - Co-Author of Simson Lugers
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Unread 04-25-2011, 12:27 PM   #24
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The only purpose of trolls like 'borzellot' is to divide up forums, start fights, etc... They regrettably are a side product of the internet age and are difficult to combat because of lack of regulations on the internet. The last couple of months we have been plagued by someone who has registered himself under a large number of false identities and he shows his ugly face every once in a while. When we catch him, we ban his account. Unfortunately, any further measures would make it more difficult for regular, honest, forum members, so that is not really an option either.
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