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Unread 08-26-2001, 04:11 PM   #1
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Default Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

I am a carbine guy, but today I went by a pawnshop here in Dallas, and they had a German PO8 Luger for sell:

the pistol had the word, "Erfurt" stamped on top of it, and the year "1913" above the chamber...also several

small marks on the right side of the reciver, one looked like a small eagal, and a 4 digit serial on

the reciver and a matching one under the barrel.....the weapon is in fine shape, with some blueing on the


my question is: the pawn shop wants $600.00 for the it worth that much?


Bill G

Dallas, Texas

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Unread 08-26-2001, 06:57 PM   #2
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

That's not a lot of info to go on. Price is determined by variation and condition and whether or not all the numbers match. A mismatched shooter with no collector value would be in the $400-$500 range, so if this was a mismatcvhed shooter or a reworked pistol with no collector value, it's probably a little on the high side. However if this is an all matching original weapon, in fairly good condition as you indicate it would be an excellent price, unfortunately without a lot more info, it's too hard to say for sure. By the way, are you looking at this Luger as a collectible or are you planning to shoot it? Because if you were looking for a shooter, and this was mechanically sound, you won't have overpaid too much. The down side if you are looking for a collectible, is that you may be buying a rework and it will never have colloctible status. Hope this helps.


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Unread 08-26-2001, 07:07 PM   #3
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?


What your looking at is a pre war military Luger made by the government arsenl at the town of Erfurt. The value is different if this weapon a stock lug, as they were added during August of 1913. The small marks that looks like an eagle is the Army Test proof mark. The inspection stams are on the right receiver. This is a crown with a German Gothic letter under.

The questions that needto be answered as to this weapon's value are;

1. What is the % of bluing is left on the gun

2. Do all of the small parts have the same number as the last two numbers of the serial

3. Does the magazine have the same # as the serial

4. Do the wooden grips look original or are they like plastic material

5. Are there import marks, usually found on the bottom of the barrel

6. What is the condition of the barrel's boar

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Unread 08-26-2001, 07:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

All serials numbers seem to match, it has no "stocklug"...and the grips are they are worn down....very used.....also it does not have a "grip" the grip is smooth when its in your hand....

I would say that blueing is about 65%....the mag has a different serial number....and I did not see any import marks under the barrel....I am sure the barrel is worn..

the pawn shop told me that this pistol and several others...

were from a collector, who came in one day back in April and wanted to sell off his stock....and the 1913 luger and a C96 Mauser broomhandle pistol, is all that is left....he told the pawn shop that he had had both pistols for 20 years.....

But...what caught my eyes,was how good looking both pistols I collect M-1 carbines, they appeared in "very fine shape".....and thats what caught by eye...

Bill G


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Unread 08-26-2001, 11:50 PM   #5
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

If the magazine is an original wood bottom, then that has value. Other collectors are always trying to match their Lugers to the original. Erfurt bluing never was that great so 60% might be good. Is there any pitting on the gun? Erfurts were never made with a grip saftey. If the grips are well worn but numbered to the gun (two digit and sometimes hard to read) then they could be recheckered. If the magazine is original then never shoot the gun with that magazine, use a repro for shooting for reasons stated above.

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Unread 08-27-2001, 02:44 PM   #6
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

Bill, I have had good luck offering a pawn shop less than they ask. Generally the guy will go to his book and see what he paid and if your offer leaves him enough he will take it. Not always but it dosen't hurt to try. Jerry

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Unread 08-27-2001, 08:02 PM   #7
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Default Re: Pawnshop Luger Find...question?

thats...thats what I am going to do.....and thanks to the rest on here that have helped me....

Bill G


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