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Unread 07-30-2001, 10:36 PM   #1
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Default Which Lugers are Most Minty?

Perhaps I am imagining things, but it seems to me that a byf 41 or byf 42 Luger is more often found in "minty" or little used condition than other types of military Lugers. Yes, I realize that older Lugers have been around a lot longer, and so are apt to be more worn. However, 1941 and 1942 manufactured P-38s usually show a lot more wear than Lugers produced in the same years. Anyone have thoughts about this, or is it just a coincidence that I see so many nice byf Lugers?

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Unread 07-31-2001, 07:49 AM   #2
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Default Re: Which Lugers are Most Minty?


Good percetion, and I agree with you that the 1941 and 1942 Lugers seem to be in better condition. In my opinion, this is from the P.38 having been the new primary hadgun of the German Army and the distribution of the P.38 was well under way by 1941 and 1942. I have read that the P.38 was not well received at first, but after they became more plentiful and used, the soldiers liked them better than the Luger. I worked for a German company at one time, and the President of the US office was a soldier in the German Army. He was in Italy for most of his career until it ended in 1944 and he got a free trip to the US. He told me that the P.38 was the choice of pistols for the regular soldier. He also stated that many of the officers prefered the Luger but they did not use it as much as the average soldier.

I think the Luger was issued, but when a P.38 came along, it was exchanged for the P.38 or the Luger was just put up when a P.38 came along. Just an opinion.


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