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Unread 09-24-2001, 02:39 AM   #7
tony k
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Default Re: Schwob's 1900 American Eagle with VERY COOL holster/stock...

The Ideal shoulder stock has a C&R exemption as long as it is an original stock and is attached to a DWM 1900, 1902 or 1906 American Eagle.

The other Luger exemptions are for original Artilleries with original or repro ARTILLERY stocks and original Navy models with original or repro Navy stocks -- you can't legally put a Navy stock on an Artillery, for instance.

Also exempted are 1920 and 1923 Commercial DWMs with original commercial manufacture Artillery-style stocks; 1902 stocked carbines; and some rare variations with Benke-Thiemann folding stocks (anyone have one of these?).

ATF has never defined exactly how "original" a Luger must be to qualify for the above exemptions -- a mismatched gun would probably be legal, but a "built-up" gun with an artillery barrel and sights on a regular DWM frame would not. An otherwise-qualifying Luger that had been plated would probably be allowed, but to be safe I would get a written ruling from BATF's Tech Branch.

There are NO WWII-vintage Lugers that are legal with shoulder stocks, unless the barrel is also replaced with one more than 16 inches in length, OR you do the paperwork and pay the $200 tax to register the gun as a short-barrelled rifle.

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