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Unread 10-20-2001, 09:47 PM   #1
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Default Friends and Lugers

It sure is amazing how much fun it is to talk Lugers with people. Paul Ingraham came by today to pick up his mismatch parts S/42 1940 Mauser. This was the gun that fired the phenomenal group last week that I posted. He was sure thrilled with his gun and told me that "gee these things are addicting!" I then showed him Don Leverty's Artillery (in progress) and he said "Wow, I have get one of those" We went through Jan Still's Books and he decided the first step was to get "Imperial Lugers". I sugguested he purchase it from the Author Jan Still and ask for an autograph on the book, which Jan is very gracious to provide. He was thoughly interested in the long barrel Luger and was amazed at the rear sights. I told him the real Luger treat was to go visit Ralph Shattuck and see the whole history of the Luger in shrined in his collection that is a chronologic history of it's variations. Paul is a 45 guy and just bought a parts Luger and now he is thoroughly addicted to them. Lugers are like that.....yep....they are!! Thank God!! ~~~Thor~~~

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Unread 10-20-2001, 11:04 PM   #2
Sam Buscemi
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Default Re: Friends and Lugers

Thor: I agree with you, lugers are very addicting. As a serious collector I truly love the hobby. Have been doing this luger stuff maybe 5 years and have added only 90 different variations to my collection and know there must be another 410 variations out there I don't have but can't wait to get my hands on....It is the most exciting hobby I have ever participated in. Have collected coins, stamps and fast cars and nothing compares. I hope I live long enough to satisfy my all my luger needs, wants & gotta have's.

Unread 10-20-2001, 11:27 PM   #3
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Default Re: Friends and Lugers

Wow, Sam, what a collection you already have!!! I have meet more great people in the past three years than I would ever have believed! A few have even become close friends that I call ever week. I am glad and proud to live in this country where we can still freely enjoy our hobby! Let's hope we can keep it this way, so many countries have no such freedoms especially where guns are concerned! America...home of the free and the brave! I love it! Thor

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Unread 10-21-2001, 12:50 AM   #4
Sam Buscemi
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Default Re: Friends and Lugers

Thor: There is no better place in the world to live than the USA!!! Bar none! And Yes, this hobby has afforded me the luxury of some great friendships.

Unread 10-21-2001, 07:30 AM   #5
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Default Re: Friends and Lugers


You sure said a Mouthful. I have met and become friends with a number of Luger collectors on this Forum. When I found this Forum, you and I became instant friends and have become even closer over the years. It is just a shame we live so far apart and can't visit more often, talk, and shoot lugers!

Yes, this Forum is great! We all have our differences of opinions, argue a little, but we still remain Forum friends. A good debate is helpful, informative, and enlightning; as long as we agree to disagree.


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