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Unread 01-21-2002, 08:41 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default 66mustang/I sold it to you

The collectors shop was huge,and he did have the lugers as advertised.Their was another shop in the same block,with

samuri swords/bayonets etc.These shops catered mostly to the movie studios,{warner brothers/burbank studios/disney and

Universal, all in the same area,I worked in the movie industry for a few years,and I can tell you their are a lot

of antique and collectible guns still stored in the prop

rooms of all the major studios.I have personally seen real

Thompsons submachine guns,old octogon barrel wincherster rifles,colt45"s,and M16"s to name a few. {Lugers to of course]


Unread 01-21-2002, 09:51 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
Default Cool :) I sold it to you

Very cool!

I am glad to see that we have something in common, well lots of things in common!

I have read a few stories on prop rooms and they have huge amounts of guns, some modified and some not.

I wonder how many very collectable Luger's are sitting there getting used on X-Files and getting tossed onto the ground by some actor!



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