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Unread 03-09-2002, 11:00 PM   #1
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Default Stupid People at GunShows

I had to tell you guys (and girls) about a dealer that got me fired up at the gun show today! Well I had just got my Desert Eagle checked in and started my way through the endless rows of tables on the everlong Death Head quest when I came across a dealer with 2 80-89% Weimar era Lugers on the table. He was telling a would-be buyer that it was made by "Gorge" Luger and was a fine weapon that John Browning help design, well I really wanted to educate this poor gentlemen but I did not want to make him look bad in front of the buyer. So I bit tongue (the nice thing to do) and reached to pick one up to take a look (very careful as it was my own) and as soon as I reached for it the man said in a very rude and loud voice "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? DO NOOOT TOUCH THAT, IT'S A $1200 GUN". Now I'm thinking what did I do. Then he said it cost more than a person like me could afford!!!!This made me very mad so I pulled out my Desert Eagle I had suck down my pocket to look at the Luger (yes I had on military pants with BIG pockets) and sat it on the table and pulled out $1600 I had with me and said I think I have enough to cover it! I stuffed it back in my billfold and picked my DE up and said, "By the way his name ant "Gorge" Luger it's GEORG" (add a few more colorful words) and walked off. This makes me SO mad, not to mention the fact that the Lugers he had were worth about half of that. Oh well, I guess I had to vent a little.


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Unread 03-10-2002, 12:46 AM   #2
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows

Those twirps are fairly common, unfortunately. They make money selling "problem" guns to the uninformed. They make you mad but I learned early not to get rattled by that behavior as I would have had a heart attack after three or four gun shows worth of rudeness.

Fact is, he told the truth. His gun DID cost too much for you to afford. No informed collector can afford to blow twice what a gun is worth on a gun. There should be labels on the table: STUPID RICH PEOPLE--SPECIAL TODAY!

I regret the stress you experienced.

On a related note, at the Denver show today, a guy was walking the aisles selling a T14. I and another attendee asked to see it. It was average with a damaged holster. When asked the price, the seller said about $450 and the other viewer turned quickly on his heels and rudely said to me, "there you go -- you can buy that right now" and stormed off. It seems he was mad I was aggressively pursuing the pistol he wanted to snap from the seller--Sorry (not) but it is an aggressive world and you have to fight to get some things but never do I need to lie or insult someone's item for sale.

At Denver show today a buddy was insulted as he was trying to sell a sword. He handled it fine--just walked away saying, "not today". I keep thinking the collecting fraternity is rather small and you may want to pursue your hobby for a long time--don't create an evil reputation.

Unread 03-10-2002, 01:24 AM   #3
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Default Temper, temper and yes me too! :D

I've had this same kind of thing with people, it is VERY hard for me to keep my fat mouth shut and to have him go off on you like that...

Well, I might have said a thing or two also,

Very irritating when you originally are trying to be a nice guy to start with.


Unread 03-10-2002, 07:56 AM   #4
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows


When I hear a dealer st the shows giving a real "pitch" to a prospective buyer, I listen to what is said, wait for the potential buyer to walk away ( most buyer walk away at first to think) and then go up to him, introduce myself and them fill him in on what the Real details are on the firearm. This way, no one is embarassed. If I am talking to the dealer and he starts with a bad pitch, i politly try to discuss the pistol and what it actually is. Some dealers appreciate the information and some get mad at you; then I just walk away and laugh!


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Unread 03-10-2002, 10:47 AM   #5
Johnny Peppers
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows

I have just always made it a habit to politely ask if it was OK to pick up anything on a dealers table. It just cuts down on friction and is a way to establish contact with the dealer.

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Unread 03-10-2002, 11:30 AM   #6
R. Grady/Roadkill
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows

I agree with all comments above, having had a few tables it makes me really upset for someone to walk up, pick up a gun or other item , and begin an operational check, disassembly, ect without asking. Its best to put up cards that say do not handle without permission. I was at a flea market and walked by a guy who was selling a Mod 44 Nagant as a 30 caliber Russian Enfield that shot 30.06 to a guy who wanted an deer rifle for only $250. I waited until the buyer thankfully declined and politely informed the seller he was going to get someone killed and he really got mad. Buyer beware. This comes from a guy who has always paid more for a gun than wht it was worth and sold it for less than what he paid.


Unread 03-10-2002, 12:55 PM   #7
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows

Seems like a common Gun Show exsperience. As mentioned, asking to pick up a firearm is usually the best approach. If disassembly is needed ask seller to do it, if they know how. But, in all my years of shows, attempting to educate the majority of these folks is a waste of time.Keeping your knowledge to oneself unless its solicited has proven to be one of the wisest and kindest things I've ever done for myself." You can lead a whore to culture but, you can't make them think." IMO

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Unread 03-10-2002, 02:00 PM   #8
Dwight Gruber
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Default Re: Stupid People at GunShows

I felt compelled to do some unsolicited education yesterday when I looked at a broomhandle Mauser someone had on their table (a dealer, no less!!). It was a shot-out, total-mismatch parts gun which had steel bulging behind the bolt stop, and a missing safety! I was pretty plain-spoken about it, pretty apologetic, I really didn't want to say anything at all (silence usually being the better solution if you are about to run down someone else's gun), but it seemed pretty important.


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Unread 03-10-2002, 08:51 PM   #9
james pitts
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Default Re: beef jerky

Luger Forum,

I drove 110 miles to Atlanta GA. All I found was beef jerky, and sks imports and JUNK! I had a Mint baby nambu and Left it it the Truck!!!! We need to Know who has gun shows and WHO HAS FLEA MARKETS!!!!!

By the way the gunshow is put on GEORGIA MTN. PROMOTIONS!



Unread 03-10-2002, 09:09 PM   #10
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Default Re: beef jerky

I agree, beef jerky and roasted almonds.. the biggest selling items at gunshows. There should be a truth in advertising that makes them call a flea market a flea market. For cryin out loud, who wants to look at a bunch of hand made baby clothes when they go to a gunshow? As for the import "military" type stuff..that is so much garbage. The camo flea market/survivalist craft shows really disgust me.

What really kills me is used computer stuff that is starting to show up..old software, monitors, external floppy drives. I didn't mind the camera or binocs once in awhile but I have seen tables with one gun and the rest just plain flea market junk. The gun is overpriced so no one will buy it in the first place. (Someday I will tell you how I really feel).

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Unread 03-10-2002, 09:30 PM   #11
Brandon Metcalf
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Default Re: beef jerky

What really Kills me with gun shows are these MADE IN CHINA

knives that people have boxes and boxes of I mean tell me if I'm wrong but it is a GUN SHOW right? I can see maybe a few quality collectable knives but all this junk really gets on my nerves. All the guns are sks's and imported JUNK! (I saw very few Lugers at the Last show I went to)

Well I've let off enough steam for now. Talk to you all later, Brandon

Unread 03-10-2002, 11:53 PM   #12
Johnny Peppers
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Default Re: beef jerky

At one time gunshows were put on by collectors clubs. It was a place for everyone to get together and have "show and tell". Some really nice firearms were found at these shows and you knew what you would find there. A show with only 50 tables of real collectibles was a great show. Now a 500 table show may not have 20 tables of real collectibles. The gunshows of the 50's and 60's were few and far between and you just didn't miss them as there might not be but two a year in your area. After the promoters got hold of the gunshows and opened them to anyone that wanted to buy a table, the quality went down and the frequency went up. On virtually any weekend you can drive a few miles to a so called gunshow, but won't find 2 tables of real collectibles.

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Unread 03-11-2002, 12:22 AM   #13
Dwight Gruber
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Default Re: beef jerky

Interesting. The small, local gun shows I have been frequenting recently haven't been flea markets, they've been mostly guns and accessories (and knives) although not too much which -I've- been interested in. The big bi-monthly show in Portiand--I dunno, a thousand tables or so?--is put on by the Rose City Gun Collectors. And it is billed up front as a Gun and Knife show.


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Unread 03-11-2002, 12:24 AM   #14
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Default Re: beef jerky / REVENGE!!!

Ever stop by the beef jerky table and eat all the samples? Try it you'll like it! Jerry Burney

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Unread 03-11-2002, 12:54 AM   #15
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Default Portland Gun Show

The Portland, Oregon gun show used to be the best in the Northwest! There big show was in the Summer and no one missed it. I believe the guy who used to promote it was a fellow named Ted Dowd (?). It used to be a great place to trade last year's deals for new interests. I agree, gunshows ain't what they used to be. People used to be either collectors or admirers. Lots of early morning trading going on and NO BEEF JERKY!

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Unread 03-11-2002, 07:53 AM   #16
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Default Re: beef jerky

I sure agree with all you guys about the flea markets at gun shows now. One of the best gun shows I attended last year was the West Palm Beach Gun Collectors Show. It was SMALL, with only about 50 tables, but there were nothing but collectible guns from the club members. Prices were resaonable and the talking was great! I walked the tables in 5 minutes, but I spent 2 hours just having a good time talking. I didn't buy any firearms, but I did buy some P.38 mags for $20 each.

If you are in the area when this show is going on, it is definetly worth going to!


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Unread 03-11-2002, 08:47 AM   #17
Homer Simpson
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Default MMMMMMM Beef Jerky (EOM)

Unread 03-11-2002, 12:10 PM   #18
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Default Yes, asking is always the best policy (EOM)


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