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Unread 11-25-2001, 11:43 PM   #1
Mike E Halbrook
Posts: n/a
Default Wolff magazine springs

I changed out the springs on several Luger magazines


A wood bottom WW1 mag w/round spring

An older MEGAR (I think) mag w/round spring

A WWII fxo w/plastic base and zig zag spring

A "toy" magazine with plastic follower and

a very weak orignal zig zag spring.

The MEGAR was the only one that did not show improvement.

It had been jamming before the spring change and still jammed afterwards.

The other three mags, including the "toy" worked great.

My two lugers would not consistantly lock open on the last shot before the springs were changed, they will now.

A Colt .45 mag that had been jamming also was fixed by changing the mag spring.


Mike Halbrook

P.S. This was the session where I broke my Artillery Luger.

Unread 11-25-2001, 11:56 PM   #2
Lonnie Zimmerman
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Default Re: Wolff magazine springs

Mike; you are right. The new springs from Wolff solve a lot of problems in a Luger. Were they handloads that cracked your Luger, and if so, what was the load?


Lonnie Zimmerman is offline  
Unread 11-26-2001, 12:46 AM   #3
Mike E Halbrook
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Default Re: Wolff magazine springs

My normal handload for 9mm is a lead 124gr bullet and

4.7 grains of Unique.

Lately I've fired (between two Lugers and a P-38)

one box of S&B 115 grain factory ammo and one box of

115 grain PMC ammo.

No more than ten rounds of each were fired in the Artilley

Luger. I bought this gun in 1988, the former owner said he

had shot it some, who knows what ammo he used.

I liked to shoot this gun because it was accurate and had

a light trigger pull, and was very reliable by Luger

standards (it worked perfectly even after it broke).

Mike Halbrook

Unread 11-26-2001, 02:59 AM   #4
Viggo G Dereng
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Default Re: Wolff magazine springs


I'm sorry about the "Arty". But all is not lost.

Read my post on Electron Beam Welding, attached to your Broken Arty post.

I cannot state for a fact that This process is yet widely available.

But, If it is and not too pricey, It would be by far the best route to go.

For a shooter it probably would not require re-blueing or anything but a good oiling.

Best of luck in fixing it.



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