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Unread 10-18-2009, 09:39 AM   #1
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Default Gun shows, online auctions, best place to look?

After viewing the major Luger sellers online, I see their prices are quite up there. I do visit the two major online gun auction sites most every day. Even there the reserves can be on the high side, maybe rightfully so. Yet some Lugers always seem to be at auction never selling. So I am trying to find more sources to hunt. Maybe I'll give the gun shows a try. No to many here in my part of New Hampshire. I am bothered some by the stories of altered Lugers being passed off as originals at shows. There are some local auction houses that have guns as part of their weekly auctions. I'd best check them out. I stop at most gun and pawn shops I come across, but I have yet to find any Lugers. Just tons of those 'Saturday night spls.'
One thing i'd like to see, if someone cost post a close-up photo or two compairing sharp edged vs over buffed areas. Maybe I'll run a "German Lugers Wanted" add in my local newspapers to see what turns up. I guess it is all part of collecting anything, THE SEARCH!
Oh, if a photo shows up under my name, shown are original WW1 aviation and sub badges ( except one repo). There are two original WW2 U-Boat badges that I'll sell if I find the correct website to do so. WW2 German is a big No-No on Ebay.
MMM?? I saw no picture under my name, but it is in my profile. Guess I goofed.
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Unread 10-18-2009, 09:44 AM   #2
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Lugers seem to be creeping out of the woodwork at the gunshows. I guess people need cash more than heirlooms now.

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Unread 10-18-2009, 10:44 AM   #3
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I've stopped looking at, or even asking about, Lugers at gun shows. It seems to me that the Lugers that are brought and displayed are only for other dealers (there are closed-to-public times just for show displayers). I've asked to look at, and even displayed money, but get refused; sometimes [rarely] politely.

I'm a member of the association that hosts the shows, and my best guess is that the dealers only sell amongst themselves, or display the Lugers as attention getters.

Strangely enough, the biggest crowd-gatherers are the crates of military surplus weapons...In years past, it has been Enfields from India; FN-49's from Egypt; CETME's from Spain (IIRC); AK's from anywhere; British revolvers (Enfield or Webley, I can't tell the difference); Soviet bloc automatic pistols; etc...Any or all going for under $300...and they sell like hotcakes...
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Unread 10-18-2009, 11:32 AM   #4
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Jasta2 -- Regular gun dealers don't carry many Lugers. It's an expansive gun and market is not as big as modern firearms or CAI imported cheap military surplus.

I noticed that you live in New Hampshire. If have energy, you may want to drive to New York's Tappan Zee Bridge, there is a C&R dealer carring many Lugers for sell. Not asking cheap, but .... who knows.... everyone need cash these days.

Here is the dealer's website. He has a storefront.
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Unread 10-18-2009, 11:50 AM   #5
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I like to do the gun shows. Look, handle, ask questions, etc. I not only learn more, I find some real keepers now and then. Prices less than auctions.

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Unread 10-18-2009, 12:47 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by postino View Post
I've asked to look at, and even displayed money, but get refused; sometimes [rarely] politely.
Why? Even if they don't like you, they are supposed to like your money. Oh, Postie, you must be well known in their circle


Or, super expansive guns? I saw "don't touch without permission" in some gun stores. Big guns though. Small ones, of course I cannot touch, they are locked in counter.
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Unread 10-18-2009, 02:56 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by alvin View Post
Why? Even if they don't like you, they are supposed to like your money. Oh, Postie, you must be well known in their circle
New York gun dealers are pretty arrogant; they know all there is to know about Lugers, Mausers, Walthers, Colts, S&W, etc...

A little nobody like me can never hope to gain their knowledge on anything weapon related...

No, they don't know me or my friends...their circle is pretty closed to outsiders...

That dealer from Nanuet is an excellent example...Don't even try to tell him his GB ads are misleading...or his descriptions are incomplete...or, heaven forbid, ask a question...he'll tell you (if he answers you at all) that you're wasting his time with stupid questions...

He saves me a lot of money...
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Unread 10-18-2009, 03:21 PM   #8
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Visited his store?

I went there once, targeted on a specific gun (a small ring Astra). Unfortunately, I did not like it because it did not meet my expectation. That gun was not bad though, it's original and was sold later to someone else. He also carries 4 or 5 brooms, and maybe 30 or so Lugers, 4 or 5 Chicago palm revolvers, one or two Bergmann, etc. I did not know Luger much so no comments.

Curious... what's the question that you asked him.... I went there but I did not ask anything. Simply no question appears in my mind during the short visit. Driving a few hours in a car w/o AC is like crazy.
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Unread 10-18-2009, 03:39 PM   #9
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It's not just gun shows that have their inner dealer circle. I went to a military show in Lowell,Mass looking original pilot badges. Two dealers tried to sell me repos swearing up and down the were originals. A few friendly dearlers gave me notice and also said to realy get what you want, be at the show 2 hours early for the dealer get together swap in the parking lot. They firgure if you show up then, you are not just 'off the street'.
I will check out the NY dealer's website.
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