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Unread 01-26-2002, 09:29 PM   #1
Bill Utterback
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Default LP08 Stock Screws

I recently bought an Erfurt LP08 and I ordered the repro stock/holster from Sarco. The stock arrived but the holster and leather parts of the rig are on back order. When they do arrive, I expect to have to find my own screws and washers to attach the leather parts to the stock. Some research with photos indicates the four smaller washers are about 3/16" diameter and the single large washer is about 5/8" in diameter. The screws should be bright steel, slot head, and the domed finish washers should be brass. Home Depot has about what I need. Before I buy the parts, does anyone have an original stock from which they can give me the washer and screw head diameter dimensions? Also, I have seen color photos which seem to indicate that all five washers were brass. There was one letter posted to the forum some time ago which said the four smaller washers were brass and the one larger washer was bright steel. Were all large washers steel or brass or were there some of both kinds?

Unread 01-26-2002, 11:35 PM   #2
Johnny Peppers
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Default Re: LP08 Stock Screws


I find that the four smaller washers are not actually domed on my rig, but are more flat with the center countersunk to allow the flat head screw to tighten up flush. The large washer is flat in the center section and then tapers to a sharp edge so as not to catch on anything.

The four small screws have a head diameter that ranges from .204 to .212, and the washers range from .396 to .399. The small screws showed remains of being fire blued on the threads, so the bright finish may have been from wear. The large screw has a slightly domed head and measures .270 in diameter, and the steel washer measures .575.

I can try a scan if you think it would help.

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Unread 01-27-2002, 12:29 AM   #3
Bill Utterback
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Default Re: LP08 Stock Screws

Thanks a lot, Johnny, scan not necessary. The measurements you gave tell me what I need to know, except - would you confirm that your small washers are brass and your big washer is steel?

Unread 01-27-2002, 01:12 AM   #4
Johnny Peppers
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Default Re: LP08 Stock Screws

The small washers are brass, and the large washer is steel.

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Unread 01-27-2002, 01:58 AM   #5
Bill Utterback
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Default Re: LP08 Stock Screws

OK, thanks again Johnny. I know I can come fairly close to the correct dimensions with brass and zinc plated steel domed washers from Home Depot. But before I buy those, I'll check around to see in I can find any washers closer to those you described. The exact diameters of the screws and washers were what I really needed.


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