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Unread 03-09-2002, 08:21 AM   #1
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Default Blind Pig and the Acorn

Hello All,

As the saying goes, "even a blind pig will find an acorn once in a while". While out of town yesterday, I went to a local gunshop to see what they had for sale. Nothing in line of intrest until a fellow came in and we started talking. He said he had a Luger and might sell it, so we went to his car to take a look. It was a 1920 Commercial (as Jan Still calls them Alphabet Lugers), in the "k" suffix range whihc would put it in early 1922 manufacture. The guy said it had belonged to his great-grandfather and he was not interested in Luger and may sell it. The first thing I did was take it apart and the inside was MINT, I don't know if it had ever been fired or not (.30 Luger)! the bore, grips and inside is perfect, with old grease still evident. The bluing is 95-97% and a very pretty color, but the problem is that the pistol had been kept in a holster all these years and there was some light "freckling" on the right frame rail, the muzzle, and a few spots on the barrel. This is a bummer for such a nice pistol. I asked the guy about the holster and he said it was not in good condition and he threw it away several years ago. After a little negotiating, I bought the pistol for $450. I did not think this was too bad for non-import, and it being a common commercial pistol. If they had not kept the pistol in the holster so long, it would have been a deal at $800, but the "freckling" is there. The magazine is not original to the pistol and the guy said there was no magazine with the pistol when it was given to him as the original owner did not know where he had stored it, so there is an old period military magazine with it which may or may not work.

I thin I did OK on the price since it is in such great mechanical condition and the appearance is not bad until you look close at the metal. Just a shame they did not know how to store a pistol. I can't wait to get it to the range and give it a try with the Fiocci ammo. Do you thin I did OK on the price since the commercials are the lowest price around for a LUger?


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